Ken Staiger of Pennsylvania

Ken Staiger Pennsylvania

About Ken Staiger of Pennsylvania

Ken Staiger is a Pennsylvania-based family man. Ken played semi-pro baseball for many years and has remained active in athletics as a baseball, basketball, and diving coach. Ken Staiger and his family are catholic and are very active in his parish. He is also a proponent of charity activities and enjoys feeding the needy in centers within Philadelphia.

Those who know Ken Staiger speak to how he is an individual who cares deeply about his community and church. In his free time, Ken enjoys spending time with his two children and father who he serves as a caretaker for.

Ken Staiger Explores Ways to Give Back to Your Community

Kenneth Staiger

As a church member and family man who regularly participates in volunteer activities, Ken Staiger of Pennsylvania is often asked questions about how individuals can get more active in helping their communities. Here, Kenneth Staiger explores a few tried and true methods that people can leverage to maximize their ability to help and give back to others locally.


Volunteering is by far one of the most effective ways to give back to you community, in part because there are hundreds of valid ways to participate in volunteer work. A common way to volunteer is working in local soup kitchens, however, Kenneth Staiger finds that one can tailor their efforts to what is most needed in their communities. For example, serving seniors, mentoring, helping at homeless centers, etc. can be incredibly worthwhile ways to give back. If you are having trouble choosing your preferred ways, many local organizations are already facilitating charity work and will respond warmly to asking to lend an extra hand.


Donation is a common first step to getting involved in helping communities because it does not require much time or energy to get started. Some prefer to give money as their form of donation, but it is far from the only way to donate something worthwhile to those who are currently in need. Ken Staiger of Pennsylvania finds that it can be equally helpful to donate important items that could help improve people’s quality of life. Donating unused food to food banks, unwanted items to charity shops, and pet food and supplies to animal shelters can go a long way towards helping local organizations with their stock. People who want to get even more active in donating can also consider starting a collection at their business, church, school, or community center to further expand their efforts.

Ken Staiger Pennsylvania


Athletics is an important part of many communities as it gives children something to do outside of school and can really help people feel more connected. Ken mentions that many places are desperate for coaches who can help instill values in teams such as teamwork, sportsmanship, motivation, and dedication to growth. There is also often a need for referees, concession workers, and organization staff as well if coaching is not your forte. A clear benefit of coaching is that it helps contribute to the personal development and growth of the next generation, and you can see just how important the coach role is first hand through interactions with children and their parents. Ken Staiger maintains that coaching and other roles on the field or court are not the only way to give back through sports, and he finds that sponsoring a sports team can have an equally impactful role in making sure kids have access to athletic programs.

Clean Up Around Your Community

Often times we see people cleaning up around our communities as part of mandatory community service, however, participating in neighborhood clean up is an accessible way to give back that anyone can get involved in. Ken Staiger speaks to how cleaning litter and other messes can improve the quality of life of everyone in the area. One of the great things about neighborhood cleanup is that it can be facilitated in many different ways. Just one person with bags, gloves, and a means to pick up trash can get a lot of work done. Of course, volunteers can also partner up with organizations committed to keeping areas of clean or get family and friends in on the efforts as well.

Help Your Neighbors

Kenneth Staiger often speaks to how you do not have to go to far within your community to find someone who may need a helping hand. Whether it is helping an elderly neighbor with grocery shopping, mowing lawns for those who may have limited mobility, taking dogs for walks, etc. there are always meaningful ways to help neighbors with tasks they are having difficulties performing on their own. Ken notes that, nowadays, there are groups and social media pages that are dedicated to identifying local community members’ need for assistance and sending a neighbor to help. You can also get involved simply by asking when you notice something. If your elderly neighbor’s lawn is growing wild, offer to help them with mowing! If a neighbor has voiced that they have difficulties grocery shopping due to a condition, tell them that you can do their shopping when you go to the store for your own! It truly is amazing what kindness, empathy, and a willingness to help can do for a community.

More from Kenneth Staiger

Kenneth Staiger realizes that there are many people who would like to learn more about the Catholic church as well as activities such as volunteer work, coaching, and cooking. Through content that explores his personal development interests, Ken hopes to inspire readers to reconnect with their passion for activities that will bring joy to their lives and the lives of others.

Interested in learning more about the church, charity work, and associated topics from a family man and experienced volunteer such as Ken Staiger of Pennsylvania? Tune in to this website frequently for more content inspired by Kenneth Staiger’s insights.